Select Resume
2015 – 2016 Artist Studio at Silvercloud Studios South Lismore
2015 – Writer sci-fi fantasy “The Shifting” for self publishing on Amazon during 2016
2015 -2016 EPICORMIA Collective – The Re-authoring Impulse, Ars NSW
2014 – Oct 2015- Rented studio at Lismore Art Space and shared “OWN VOICE “ funded studio.
2014 November “OWN VOICE “ exhibition at Lismore Art Space – contributor to group exhibition “Envelopes “
2014 October Presented at “ARTS ACTIVATED” conference in Sydney – representing the “OWN VOICE “ group from Lismore .
2013 Sept – submitted video for Wayside Chapel Exhibition for Mental Health Week – the video is up on YOUTUBE “Inspired Art by Julianne Zoviar Clunne “
2011 8th -29th June – Solo exhibition at Alliance Francaise Penang Malaysia
2008-2011- Spent in total over 18 months living and painting professionally in Penang
2006-2007 spent four months painting professionally in Hanoi
2006-2007 developed three sets of inspiration cards using my paintings and words
2004 Lismore Regional Gallery – contributor to “Living Treasures” exhibition .
2003 –ACE Lismore – Teaching English Overseas course completed .
2001-TAFE , Wollongbar, NSW Part time teacher , Fashion Department .
1992 – 2011 during this timeframe I have had 14 solo exhibitions here and overseas.
1992 March – June – I was one of three artists involved in the making of a documentary about Shellbourne Bay North Queensland . I crewed on a boat to Alotau , Papua New Guinea .What followed was an Exhibition “One Sea One Sky” with a slide presentation of installations created at Shellbourne Bay, Cape York and paintings from photography of the sea voyage and images from a helicopter ride to remote villages thanks to the once Prime Minister Pious Wingti’s generosity ( it pays to be nice …he won the next election )
1991- Received the Premier’s Arts Encouragement Award to assist with expenses for the Shellbourne Bay Expedition and subsequent exhibition.
1991- Winner of the North Qld T-shirt Design Awards – trip for two to Hawaii
1991 March 1st-March 30th Kuranda Arts Council Grant –towards costs associated with Studio
Exhibition and creation of works at Queensland Artworkers Alliance Studio (McWithers Artspace , Fortitude Valley ,Brisbane)
1991-TAFE Cairns, QLD Painting
1990- Directed 3 one act plays by Writer James Carra performed in the Community Arts Centre, Cairns.
1990Nov-Received funding by the Touring and Remote Area Access Scheme to attend “Creativity in Fabric” a two week intensive at McGregor Summer School , Toowoomba.
1990-Upstairs Gallery Inaugural Art Competition- QTV Encouragement Award, Professional Section.
1990-Cairns Art Society 44th Annual Exhibition-Mulgrave Shire Encouragement Award for the silk painting “At Home In Paradise”
1990-TAFE Cairns ,QLD Ceramics
1989-Certificate in Introductory Art and Design
1989- Established my Design Studio in my home 404 Severin St , Cairns .
1988- New Enterprise Incentive Scheme(NEIS) 90hours-Cairns
1987-Sept-Dec –rented a studio in the Tropical Artists Guild in Cairns .
1986/1987- St Marks Randwick – worked as a Youth Worker in Refuge for Homeless Kids . !985-Counselling Skills, Stages 1&11- Thru Drug & AlcoholTraining and Education Services , Sydney
1984/1986-Drug and Alcohol counselor Cyrenian House , Surrey Hills and Stanmore Sydney.
1984- Camden College London, UK…studied Dance and Photography
1983/1984 Travelled and lived in England, Holland, Germany, Portugal, and Belgium for 13 months with home base London.
1982-1983- Lismore College of TAFE – employed as a Communications Lecturer by the Fashion Dept – during this time I choreographed and Staged three fashion parades…one for the end of year TAFE show and two others using TAFE students as models and exhibiting their clothes.
1982- Nomad Theatre Company- board member.
1982-Fashion Dept of Lismore Technical College- Communications Lecturer – choreographed and staged three Fashion parades.
1982- Co-ordinated and ran Adult Drama workshops in the Drill Hall at the ex- NRCAE.
1982-Toured in a four man Clown Troupe to school and community centres .
1981 – Suffered an ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY by a falling piece of timber whilst visiting a local market. END OF LIFE AS I KNEW IT!
1980- Founding member of the Rainbow Children’s Theatre, Lismore
1977/1981- Opened and ran my own Licensed Secondhand business “Pearls and Old Lace” Conway Street, Lismore specializing in Theatre Costume Hire and vintage and collectables .
1979-worked as a children’s drama tutor, member of the Nomads Theatre Company’s Education team ‘Take 3” program (Drama workshops in schools funded by the Theatre Board of the Australia Council)
1979to1982 –Lismore TAFE studied Ceramics, Fashion Design and Millinery
1975-1983 – Involved in Amateur theatre –starting at teachers college –
“Only an Orphan Girl”- as Nellie.
NRCAE “Rites” as producer /director.
“Chamber Music” as Gossamer.
“Mixed Doubles” Rochdale Theatre
“Golden Legion of Cleaning Women” as Mabel.
“Black Comedy” stage Manager
“Cabaret” as Kit Kat girl and Beedle Dee Biddle Dee girl-Best Amateur Musical N.S.W. 1978
“Lismore Centenary Play” 1979 Town Hall Lismore.
“Creeps” various roles Rochdale Theatre.
“Cagebirds” as Constant Twitting- nominated best actress, best Play, best Director, Tamworth Drama Festival.
1977- Diploma in Teaching from Northern Rivers College of Advanced Education Lismore, with Drama and Behavior Modification Electives
1973- completed first year of a Bachelor of Rural Technology at Queensland Agricultural College Gatton.
During the course of six decades I have lived and breathed the life of an artist . Most of my adult life I have had or rented a studio.
I paint and absolutely adore colour . I have had 14 solo exhibitions in Australia and overseas . I have taught in TAFE , in theatre and education teams , worked in community projects with the disadvantaged . Sadly to index and collate my life for others to understand is extremely extremely difficult for me . My artistic life is strongly coloured by my involvement in Theatre prior to my ABI and the transition into Visual Art when my ability to remember names, lines and routines removed my ability to live my old dream .The three major areas where I am challenged from my Brain Injury is with memory, sequencing and time . I do not experience time in a linear way . I live pretty much in the now and my past at best is in photographs .
Unlike most of my fellow Epicormia Collective artists …I was not living as a Visual Artist before my ABI …I had my sights firmly set on the stage in London when my injury occurred.My biggest claim to fame in the visual arts prior to my early thirties was that I had done nude life modeling at the London School of Art. I had never aspired to becoming a Career Visual Artist.
After my ABI even if I wanted to map out such a path… it was totally out of my scope of capabilities .
I paint because it feeds my soul . Pretty much all of my solo exhibitions have been at the prompting of others and at times with massive logistical and sequencing assistance from others .I am incredibly grateful to Paul Andrew who has negotiated Grant applications , Gallery bookings and the financial and logistical issues so that I have had this opportunity to exhibit. He also prompted me to spend the days it has taken me to compile my artistic moments in some sort of chronological order .(resume may be updated as I remember even more amazing things I’ve done that I have NO RECOLLECTION OF ! hehe
It made me very proud of who I have been and helped me to understand that I’ve done pretty well considering I started my art career in my early thirties with the hurdle of a mind that misbehaved constantly but one that I have come to love and appreciate deeply.