Paul Andrew is a transdisciplinary artist and has been practicing and exhibiting professionally since 1984. Paul works in a range of roles including curatorial practice, artist-run collaboration, archives, writing, memoir & text, painting, photocopy, photography, super eight, video, wall-based installations, analogue-to-digital media and community contribution methodologies.
Keywords for his art practice includes: Social Justice, Dissonant and Non-traditional Media, Relational Aesthetics, LGBTQI, Queer, Gender Studies, Post-Colonial Studies, Complex PTSD, Homophobia, HIV/AIDS, Artist-Run Heritage, Self-Publishing, DIY, Living Archives, Walking, Nature, Environmental Activism, Digital Analogues, Friendship, Documentary, Collaboration & Community Participation, Peace & Non-Violence, Altered Didactics, Solitude, Mindfulness.
In Brisbane during the 1980s he was an active participant and coordinator of several artist-runs and promoted access to artist-led practice and fostered an active visual arts exchange program in artist-runs and galleries in regional Queensland, interstate and overseas. These artist-runs include Artworker’s Union Queensland, Queensland Artworker’s Alliance, F. Art, That Contemporary Art Space, That Annexe, Axis Art Projects, Bureau and Breathing Concrete. During this time his attention was focused on artist agency contesting the mainstream and he worked passionately as an UQ art history student, curator, artist, arts writer, arts administrator, queer activist, filmmaker, community broadcaster and narrowcaster, moral rights/infrastructural activist.
The archival impulse of his work to date stems largely from a direct engagement and participation in Brisbane artist-runs throughout the 1980s and in the early 1990s in Sydney ( First Draft, Channel 31 and Metro TV) and a discontent about the significant absence of queer arts and culture histories in Australia while working in dissonant media, including 4zzz Public radio in Brisbane and making documentaries, community service announcements for mainstream television, narrowcasting with Public Television Channel UHF 31, Queer TV and independently producing video art works in Sydney.
Since his 1987 “safe sex” exhibition collaboration Sex/Object at That Contemporary Art Space in Brisbane with artists Angelina Martinez and Martyn Sommer he has continued working with neglected queer/LGTBQI histories across various media and visual arts platforms and in recent years after relocating to live and work between Brisbane and the Northern Rivers region he has extended this archival impulse into related visual arts subjects and platforms integrating them with digital culture. His current work in the region is the integrated artist-run curatorial project The-Re-authoring Impulse, Epicormia Collective, six artists living with and/or working with arts and disability.
Based in Brisbane, Queensland until 1989 before leaving Queensland during what Paul describes as “the oppressive Bjelke-Petersen regime years” he moved to Sydney for work as a curator at The Australian Centre for Photography and continued writing for street press and zines.
Transformational career highlights include work as an assistant curator at the ICA in London in 1988 as part of the curatorial team which organised the exhibition The Independent Group: Postwar Britain and the Aesthetics of Plenty in 1990 which toured from ICA London to IVAM Valencia and Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Working as a curator at the Australian Centre for Photography 1989 -1990 and identifying and curating new trends in postmodern photographic practice, video art, installation art in the field of photomedia and in the mid-1990s collaborating on the Survivors of the Shoah Archives Project in Sydney executed produced by cohort leader Steven Spielberg, this online archival project gathered together, and gathers into perpetuity, the untold stories and testimonies of holocaust and other genocide witnesses and survivors around the globe.
Paul’s enthusiasm for collaboration and community contributions methodologies employed during this early career work has continued and developed over time and remains a particularly useful model for him now and his collaborators in today’s open-source attention economy.
In November 2012 he began a social media open group for researching, design and developing a participatory and multi-authored Living Archive, oral history, testimony and artist interviews project dedicated to mapping the heritage, ephemera, untold and neglected histories of the vibrant and diverse 1980-2000 Artist-Run Scene in Brisbane and in regional Queensland.
Paul William ANDREW (Artist)
Resume (Select)
1964 Born Brisbane, Lives and works in Ballina, NSW/Brisbane, QLD
Solo and Group Exhibitions/ Projects
Epicormia Collective – The Re-authoring Impulse, Northern Rivers Community Gallery, Ballina – http://epicormiacollective.com
ARI Remix Vox Pop (Local Colour Remix) Sound Art Collaboration with Jay-Dea Lopez, Northern Rivers Community Gallery, Ballina – http://epicormiacollective.com
AXIS Art Projects Wunderkammer #1, ARI Remix: Living Archives, Artist-Runs Project: 1980-1990 Queensland, BARI Festival, Brisbane – http://remix.org.au
AXIS Art Projects Wunderkammer #2, ARI Remix: Living Archives, Artist-Runs Project: 1980-1990 Queensland, Northern Rivers Community Gallery, Ballina – http://remix.org.au
The Patient – The Medical Subject in Contemporary Art, University of NSW Gallery, Sydney
Ephemeral Traces: Brisbane Artist-Runs in the 1980s, University of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane
A Whole Lot of Coffee, Artist-run Members Group Exhibition, Darwin Visual Arts Association, Darwin
Epicormia Collective – The Re-authoring Impulse – http://epicormiacollective.com
ARI Remix Project: 1980-1990 Queensland Artist-Run Culture Queensland, Artist-Run Archive, Northern Rivers Community Gallery, Ballina– http://remix.org.au
The Pineapple Remix, Harvest, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
The Hanky Project, Upstairs at the Napier, Artist-Run, Melbourne & Grafton Regional Gallery, Grafton – http://objectsofthedead.blogspot.com.au
Trick (Super Eight), Brunswick Street Gallery, Melbourne
The Postcard Show, Linden, Melbourne
Ultraviolet, State Library of Queensland, curated by Edwina Bartlene, Griffith University Art Collection, Griffith Artworks, Queensland College of Art, July 5 1998
Queer on the Screen and Beyond, George Paton Gallery, University of Melbourne, Melbourne
Re collection, The Griffith University Art Collection, Brisbane City Gallery, Brisbane
Instant, First Draft, Sydney
Hip Deep, Bureau Art Space
Interface- The City as A Work of Art, The Queensland Bicentennial Art Spaces Project, Brisbane
Axis Art Projects (Art X-tremists International Syndicate – Sites of Disclosure), 2B The Garage, The Guggenheim Museum, New York City and Arch Lane Public Art, Brisbane
Anywhere, Michael Milburn + Arte Gallery, Brisbane
Anywhere, Bitumen River Gallery Artist-Run, Canberra
Earlier Attitudes, That Contemporary Art Space, Brisbane
The Andy Warhola Memorial Show, Various Public Art Sites, Brisbane
C3D, That Contemporary Art Space, Brisbane
State of the Art: Art of the State, Old Darnell Building, Forgan Smith Tower, University of Queensland, Brisbane
This is That, Gladstone Regional Gallery and Museum, Gladstone
Anywhere, Bitumen River Gallery, Canberra
Works in Progress, That Contemporary Art Space, Brisbane
Brisbane Hot, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane
That Opening Exhibition, That Contemporary Art Space, Brisbane
Realm of the Invisible, That Contemporary Art Space, Brisbane
2014-2016 Word Press Web, Information Design, Photoshop Development, Self-directed learning with Mentors Senior Media Artists including Linda Dement and Joanna Kambourian
2014 Sound Art Production, Dungog Community College, Dungog
2014 Oral History Development, Oral History Association of Australia Qld, QUT, Brisbane
2014 Planning a Community Oral History Project, Oral History Association of Australia, NSW, Sydney
2013 Oral History in the Digital Age, Oral History Association of Australia NSW, Sydney
2010 Masters of Creative Writing, Media and Communication, RMIT, Melbourne
2005 Cert IV, Business Management, RMIT, Melbourne
1990 Cert, Video Production, Metro Screen, Sydney
1989 Bachelor of Arts, Art History, University of Queensland, Brisbane
1983 Bachelor of Law (deferred), Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
Media Content Production (Select)
2012 – 2014, Production Designer, The Screaming Silent, Feature Drama, Cut Out Films, Sydney
2013 Production Manager, Existence, Video Artwork, Artists Virginia Barratt and Adam Boyd, Barratt and Boyd Productions, Lismore
2010 Director, Every Travelled Road, Artist Scott Matthew, collaboration with Digital Media Artist John Tonkin, Orangepop, Berlin
2009 Co-Director, Stardust, Artist Inga Liljestrom, Groovescooter, Sydney
1990-2014 Directors Assistant, Assistant Director, Art Director of TVC’s, Educational and Corporate Videos, short films, video art and documentaries at AFTRS, UTS, Metro Screen, Syd/Melb production companies and independent media producers
Arts Media Content Writing
2006-Current, Arts Writer/Blogger, INTERVIEWS – http://paulandrew-interviews.blogspot.com.au
2014 ABC Open Contributor; Micro Lit – https://open.abc.net.au/people/14087
2002-2013 Arts Writer, Street Press Australia, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth
1985-2013 Freelance Arts Writer, Including Unmagazine (Melbourne), Australian Stage Online (Melbourne), SX national (Sydney), Street Press Australia (National), City Hub (Sydney), Outbiz (Melbourne), Real Time (National), Blue, Black+White and Studio (Sydney), Dlux media Arts, (Sydney), Metro (Melbourne), MCV (Melbourne), Arts in the City (Melbourne), Capital Q (Sydney), Refresh (National), SX National (Sydney), 4ZZZ Radio Times(Brisbane), Eyeline Magazine (Brisbane), Versions (Brisbane)
Curatorial Practice
2015 – 2016 – Epicormia: The Re-authoring Impulse, six artists living with and/or working with arts and disability – http://epicormiacollective.com
2015 – 2016 – ARI Remix; Living Archives, Artist-Runs Project, Public Archive and Digital Humanities Project- http://remix.org.au
1999 – 2009 – Melbourne Queer Film Festival, Victoria – Programming Committee and Selection Panel.
Public Collections
Paul’s work is held in public and private collections including: The University of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane, The Australian Centre for Moving Image, Melbourne, Griffith Artworks, Brisbane, The National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
Grants, Awards, Festivals and Prizes
2015 -2016, Arts NSW Project Grant for Epicormia: The Re-authoring Impulse,
2015 Arts Queensland, Australia Council – Digital Culture Project Seed Funding (The ARI Remix Project)
2002 ATOM Highly Commended Documentary, Best Documentary, Melbourne Queer Film Festival, Melbourne
2001 The 2001 Real Life Documentary Award
1998 Young Filmmakers Fund, NSW FTO, Sydney
1988 Peter Brown Memorial Travelling Fellowship
1988 No Frills Fund. 1996 HIV AIDS Film Festival Award
Paul’s video artworks and documentaries have been exhibited in film festivals around the world since 1995.
Professional Memberships
Arts Law Centre of Australia
Community Service, Membership and Volunteerism
Since 1976 Paul has been actively engaged in community service, activism and volunteerism including the RSPCA, The Australian Conservation Fund, Home Care (Qld), Veterans Affairs (Qld), Rainforest Remediation (Qld and NSW), Qld ARIS, Qld Artworker’s Alliance, Qld AIDS Council, 4ZZZ Public Radio, Queer TV (NSW Channel 31), LGTB Mardi Gras (NSW), AIDS Council of NSW, Red Cross, 40 Hour Famine, The ALSO Foundation, Yooralla (Vic), Triple “0” (Vic), Deaf Children Australia (Vic), Regional Land Care(NSW, Vic, Qld), Melbourne IVF (Vic), Dlux Media Arts (NSW), Melbourne Queer Film Festival (Vic), The Corner Dance Lab (NSW), Remembering and Healing: Peace and Non-Violence, Lismore (NSW)