Hi Everyone ,Friends and Family, Inspire-rs and Supporters,
I’m really excited and thrilled to announce I NOW have a website.
It’s launching into cyber space at 9pm on the 9th of the 9th 2016 . To all who have been on the balcony cheering me on… thank you !
To Jono , Fleur’s hubby who took a song I wrote 20 years ago and gave it a voice…thank you is not enough . To Oliver Shaw who put the site together , Jacqueline and Paul who held my hand every step of the way and to so many others who have inspired my artistic ventures and made my artistic dreams a reality ….I trust you will all recognize the part you have played , and feel my gratitude.
I am not on Facebook or in social media …so if this site or parts of it resonate please feel free to pass it on …I am trusting that the people who are meant to see it will … It’s great to have this documentation of some of my past in one place …but in all honesty ..the best is yet to come ..I am truly excited about the latest works I will be unveiling at the Regional Gallery in Ballina on November 24 …
Anyway enough about me .. I would love it if you take a moment to check out my offering and see if it tickles some memories for you !
Lots of love
The once reclusive …now public
Julianne Zoviar Clunne xx